I looked a lot into lead acid battery life and found this both from experience and reading about it.
The main problem for lead batteries is no water.. Once that happens the battery is pretty much gone. Refilling it wont help. Also the battery loses capacity at the rate of over 20% an year no matter what. So if you have a 5 year old battery, the charge it can hold is less than half a new one no matter what you do. If you dont take care of it that 50% drops to like 10%. Now a battery with 10% charge will still work fine but will only last 10% as long so you wont be able to keep cranking the engine to start a flooded engine like some people do. Over charging a battery also kills it. I had 2 batteries hooked in parallel and the smaller battery died because the larger battery needed more time to recharge and after an year the smaller battery would not hold a charge at all. You over charge a battery by putting in a higher voltage than what its rated at, IE a 12V battery is charged at 14Volts.. But only during the charging cycle. The charger cuts off once the battery is charged.
There are a lot of products that says they can somehow fix the battery by spiking the charge etc.. But thats only for batteries where there is a short or such things that damaged a badly designed battery. It will not fix an old battery. But it can make a battery work but at a vastly reduced capacity. Even an almost dead battery can work fine with the engine running since it can still provide a charge when needed, but you can replace the battery with a large capacitor and thats essentially what it is doing. Turn off the engine and the lights wont last 5 minutes.
Also another thing, batteries go dead right from the factory due to bad manufacturing. They check it to make sure it can hold stated capacity but they dont recycle the battery 10 times to see if it still works which is why you have the warranty as you are the guinea pig for testing. So when you get a battery, drain it fully and recharge it fully like at least a few times to make sure it works, IE it gets charged after its drained. This goes for all batteries. I have had cells in Sony lithiums go dead without any use. Some would last 10 years and others not even an year. Same battery, expensive ones not cheap clones.. So this must be a major problem as in laptops etc.. Thats why when you get an electronic device you do the recycling 2-3 times right away to see if the battery lasts. Little harder with like a car but still good to check if the battery will last. Also remember, draining a car battery will damage the battery slightly each time. But it can tell you if its a good battery or not and essential if you make long trips. Also leaving a car battery without a charge will also kill it in a few months and pretty much put it out of commission unlike other batteries and nothing will recharge it, just like running the battery without water. The 3 year warranty is because the battery capacity drops to 50% and you might have problems if you leave the lights and fan on in the car without a running engine but essentially the battery should last for decades but with a drop in capacity as time goes by.
Friends , sad to inform you that the battery is dead now. RIP
So, the battery was charged over night with Acid replaced and then when I went to collect it. The guy connected the meter and it showed 12.997. But, when they test using a wire and touch both terminals, No Spark what so ever.
So, now need to get a new battery. Any suggestions which to go for ?
Thanks everyone !
It mostly depends how you are going to use it for. Remember, Japanese ones are expensive but thats because they use quality stuff and is well designed. Not just a case of it lasting longer but it will provide the same charge at a smaller space and weight to other badly designed ones. If its a critical application I would go for reputable brands. If its just driving around locally then anything that looks good will do. I have found that the end cost to you will be the same. IE it might cost twice as much for a branded one but it will last twice as long and provide more charge to keep your lights on longer without a running engine. But I would stay away from the ultra cheap unbranded ones as they will not last and end up costing you twice as much over a period of time and might prove dangerous.