Are Indian Auto Brands Considered Cheap & Downmarket?

Thread Starter #16
Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
Raj how did your friend manage to come with you then?
I never have such thought's , infact i am shocked[surprise].
Before deciding for scorpio i had test driven, Innova D-4D, Safari 2.2.
But i was impressed by the way scorpio handled around 150 kmph on NICE road.
Innova was not at all stable at those speed.
I love Scorpio.
Yeah! He was saying things like 'who like the scorpio' while sitting inside our Scorp.

The Scorpio and Safari rock! I love the Innova too, but as an MPV.
Might log off soon.[sleep]
I really feel like laughing when people compare Scorpio with Innova. Both are completely different cars. One is SUV while the latter is an MUV.

And Rajeev, if i would have been in your place i would have told that guy to stay back in the parking lot, find himself an Innova or which ever foriegn brand car he likes and get home in that and not with me. If he cannot praise indian brands, atleast he can shut his mouth.
guys, just because he does not share the same opinion with me or just because he hates the scorpio, that does not mean i wont allow him to sit in my car or i wont drop him home. infact i drop him home everyday in my car. cmon, he is a friend & difference in opinions does not mean we should act rude.

@ mukesh: same here. by the way, try explaining to an outsider that the scorpio is more stable than the innova at high speeds. they will laugh at you. again here, its a mindset that innova is a "toyota" & it is bound to be more stable than a "mahindra"!!!

@ akash: we were actually comparing "phoren" brands with indian ones.

Surprised, I say this is the truth, even I see with most of Indians. Don't we feel proud to say its imported? This is the sad reality. Same thing is with cars also.

This is true that, Tata & Mahindra are yet to catch-up to market leaders. But see how fast they are growing, I won't be surprised that in next decade, one of these would be easily beading for Honda (Honda is deep financial trouble[:D]). And they provide so many things to we Indian, we should be proud of.

Actually you know what, the foreigners have more respect (or better say fear) for these Indian brands than most of us.

I am sure, the future is with India, and these brands will lead to make it happen.

I am proud of Tata/Mahindra and similar names/brands.
i agree. but tata & mahindra would improve only if we give them a chance. if we shrug them off saying its a cheap indian brand, then they wont have any scope to improve.
Oct 23, 2009
That is one interesting conversation Raj! Well but we have to accept the fact that the foreign cars are more reliable in the long run ( Though but not cheap to maintain). A NHC or any other foreign car for that matter rarely breaks down but if they do break down , they will cost a bomb! But our Indian cars are cheap in maintenance!

But seriously i don support TATA here! My Safari is causing me all kinds of problems even though we don rough handle it and its self-driven. Infact my dad has decided no more TATA cars! But that is mainly because their A.S.S here is very poor! After seeing your Scorpio ( which is used in Kerela) i feel a Scorpio is better than a Safari!

But i have no conception that Indian cars are worst! Infact nobody can provide such spacious cars from TATA at that price tag! The foreign manufacturers just add a few additional features and make their cars pricey! What is the use with the features if you cannot travel in comfort!

A small comparison. An Indica is as spacious ( or even more) as an i20 , Punto , Polo or Fabia but look at the price tags! Same way the Indigo is as spacious as a City , Verna or SX4 but again look at the price tags! The only difference they say is a more reliable engine and features! At this is why more Indian cars as seen as Taxis because they want more space to transport more people and luggage!

My friend was confused whether to go for an Innova or Scorpio , i said straightaway ti him to go for a Scorpio as its more spacious and cheaper in the long run!

As RSM said in a around 10 years the Indian cars are going to rule the world. But we Indians also must not have such conceptions and should respect them.

But this doesn mean that i will never buy any foreign cars! Though i like the foreign cars i never degrade the Indian manufacturers like your friend did.
Feb 19, 2010
If you can't appreciate them, at least learn to respect their efforts. M&M and Tata have independently grown over these years all on their own, and are global giants today. True, their cars don't have the sophistication or the so-called "finesse" of the European brands, but that doesn't mean that their efforts are of no value. To a common Indian bound with a restricted budget, the Indica is the best car because that is within his reach! He doesn't go looking at other cars saying, "This car has better plastic quality, so I'll buy a Skoda!". Tata has done what needed to be done, and gave the Indian public affordable personal mobility. And that is why I am so very proud of Tata. So whenever people say that Tata and M&M are brands not to be considered, I turn a deaf ear to all of them, for the uninformed have no idea what they talk about.

And don't forget, Tata OWNS JLR. Respect! [clap]
Jul 6, 2010
But i have no conception that Indian cars are worst! Infact nobody can provide such spacious cars from TATA at that price tag! The foreign manufacturers just add a few additional features and make their cars pricey! What is the use with the features if you cannot travel in comfort!

A small comparison. An Indica is as spacious ( or even more) as an i20 , Punto , Polo or Fabia but look at the price tags! Same way the Indigo is as spacious as a City , Verna or SX4 but again look at the price tags! The only difference they say is a more reliable engine and features! At this is why more Indian cars as seen as Taxis because they want more space to transport more people and luggage!
I beg to differ. If you are talking about the Indica Vista and Indigo Manza(and/or maybe XL), I might agree, but the Indica NA can be compared only to the Santro, WagonR et al.(In this case the Indica surely loses) The Indigo(CS/M) can be compared to the i20/Ritz/Accent/Ikon/Logan.
at the most.

All this because, the Indica & Vista don't really belong to the i20/Polo class, lacks the quality and finesse and so on. The Indigo(CS/M) belong to the sub-Dzire Class.
Thread Starter #20
Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
That is one interesting conversation Raj! Well but we have to accept the fact that the foreign cars are more reliable in the long run ( Though but not cheap to maintain). A NHC or any other foreign car for that matter rarely breaks down but if they do break down , they will cost a bomb! But our Indian cars are cheap in maintenance!

But seriously i don support TATA here! My Safari is causing me all kinds of problems even though we don rough handle it and its self-driven. Infact my dad has decided no more TATA cars! But that is mainly because their A.S.S here is very poor! After seeing your Scorpio ( which is used in Kerela) i feel a Scorpio is better than a Safari!
yes, even i do accept that tatas do give lot of issues but mahindras do not, both speaking from personal experience. a mahindra is as fuel efficient, almost as reliable, fuel efficient & offers better performance & more features at a lesser price.

so how can someone say indian cars are not good? infact, the scorpio & xylo is giving a tough competition to the innova.
Oct 23, 2009
Arkin sorry for not being specific. The comparison i meant is Vista and Indigo Manza!
But how can you compare a Manza to an i20 or Ritz? A sedan cant be compared to a Hatch!

Even if so compared still the Manza i feel is superior to atleast Ritz!
Jul 6, 2010
Arkin sorry for not being specific. The comparison i meant is Vista and Indigo Manza!
But how can you compare a Manza to an i20 or Ritz? A sedan cant be compared to a Hatch!

Even if so compared still the Manza i feel is superior to atleast Ritz!
Price point is the main point for comparison, not body styles.
Oops Dhaya. I meant Compact/Marina by (CS/M)
The Manza can be compared with the i20 price wise, but definitely not with the Ritz.


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Raj, I’d like to support your statement that just because another person shares a different opinion, it is not a wise idea to stop maintaining good relations with him or picking him in your car. Well, it is common that most of us are usually attracted by foreign products and also there’s a fallacy that Indian product (Read cars) are not up to the quality levels. However, What I find most disappointing is that he’s rather boycotting the brands of very own country where he is living in. As they say, Criticism kills creativity, if those words were constructive, probably most of us have accepted. About Indian brands producing commercial vehicles and tractors, I wish that your friend was informed enough to know that super car from brand which he today lusts for, namely Lamborghini; it earlier used to manufacture nothing but tractors.

Drive Safe,


Oct 1, 2009
Its not about sharing a different opinion, he insulted the very set of wheels he used to travel in everyday.
Thats offensive(to me, atleast).
Sep 22, 2009
About Indian brands producing commercial vehicles and tractors, I wish that your friend was informed enough to know that super car from brand which he today lusts for, namely Lamborghini; it earlier used to manufacture nothing but tractors.

Drive Safe,
Very well said Vibhor.

@rajeev- I think your friend needs to read the statement in bold.

And it was the criticism by Ferrari which led to the creation of great cars by Lamborghini. Though it doesnt at all mean that Criticising any brand will help because as Vibhor said Critcism kills creativity.
Also we should always appeciate that whether its Mahindra or Tata, both the manufacturers are improving their build qualities and other loop holes.
Aug 22, 2009
well guys we cant always ramm our opinions on others..can we?!! only two possible things are there.

your friend is in very big misconception and he can clear that after owning indian car

your friend has ZERO knowledge on automobiles and was speaking coz he had to!
Jul 6, 2010
Its not about sharing a different opinion, he insulted the very set of wheels he used to travel in everyday.
Thats offensive(to me, atleast).
+1 to that. He must at least have kept in mind that he might hurt the sentiments of a Scorpio owner.
Jul 6, 2010
if he even knew that much of sentiment thing then he wont have even discussed/argued on this matter but he still did!
I agree to some extent. But there are ways in which one can voice their opinion(s) in such a (polite and considerate) fashion such that they do not sound like they are targeting a person/hurting his sentiments.

Anyway,I don't think Raj minds what his friend said.
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