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Yes in recent pics the crack seems to be slightly bigger and eventually it will spread like virus
1) I have a pic just after the car purchase.
2) No, car never hit by anything till date.
3) Neutral. Its just a new MS dealer but as my Father knows some higher authority so I think I have some hope. Lets see
I would have repaired if its my fault but as its manufacture defect or dealer negligence I will try every possible steps to get the bumper replaced.
But whether I can prove or not, One thing for sure Quality check of Maruti Suzuki cars are getting bad day by day.
Yes in recent pics the crack seems to be slightly bigger and eventually it will spread like virus
1) I have a pic just after the car purchase.
2) No, car never hit by anything till date.
3) Neutral. Its just a new MS dealer but as my Father knows some higher authority so I think I have some hope. Lets see
I would have repaired if its my fault but as its manufacture defect or dealer negligence I will try every possible steps to get the bumper replaced.
But whether I can prove or not, One thing for sure Quality check of Maruti Suzuki cars are getting bad day by day.