Sorry for Ignorance, as I completely newbie , but where is the DVD/CD slot ? There is nothing visible - Is it hidden in the Glove Box too ? Like separate unit like Audi / BMW ? OMG !
Also like to know why don't you choose XAV 612BT (cheaper) which is almost same with disc slot as well front panel USB. Though I agree 612BT is one inch small screen in size.
I have attached how the disc will inserted in the drive and 2 usb connector need to re arrange after my full modification complete's after get a good key less entry system.
Yes you are correct XAV 612 is cheaper but to this its 4k extra what i have installed in my car and i don't want to install separate monitor as this hatch back car can't load a roof display unit so 7" inch's will sufficient for view movies.
Also some member say Sony is waste not a good unit but as far i have compared with pioneer AV 8690BT, JVC, ken-wood the display clarity is awesome and touch response is quick in this unit so i preferred this one and audio quality is moderate output what is made to be in this HU 50X4 with JBL setup its performance is good too.
Dis advantage is you can't able to remove the display unit as it's fitted in the HU itself as compare to other models.
5 months gone still it working fine and 2 years warranty you can cover it in any Sony center in Chennai and Pioneer has warranty issue in India so it was my second preference.