Hai guys today watched this video in youtube
I think most of us have the experience of locking car by keeping the keys inside them.So this video will help us to open that.
My ride is Fiesta so will start with that
Hope no one going to use this for wrong purpose.
Rajvel - Though the video shows unlocking Fiesta, I don't think this trick would really work in Ford Cars. Tell you why...
Quite recently, I visited a Alignment Center and asked the guy to check my rims for any bends. He hook up the jack in rear wheels and rolled the wheels and checked. For the front ones, he hooked up and asked me to start the car, engage 2nd gear and throttle it. I did also went down to check the wheels for any bends. But for Front Left, we did the same and when I came back to switch of the engine, I was zapped...
I closed the door while I went down to check, the engine was running and hence, locked. Yeah, I was stupid.
Now, the car is running, FL wheel is spinning, key is inside and don't know what to do. I asked him to place stones on other 3 wheels and remove the jack slowly. Though he was hesitant, did the same and with some screeching the wheel stopped and the engine is off. But before I could get excited, the doors won't unlock.
I said, I will go home and get the other key... But the WA Guy, nothing to worry sir, we have all the ways to fix you. He calls a mechanic from a Maruti Service Center placed side by side and he tried the same trick. No Luck... He said, Ford Cars can't be opened this way sir...
As I wasn't too far from home, I called my wife to get the spare key and opened the car finally.
Lessons Learnt:
- Ford Cars won't that easily with this trick as like other Maruti or Hyundais as the lock lever is placed differently in Fords.
- The doors will unlock only when you switch off the ignition and not by switching off the engine. Hope you are getting my point.
- When you try to do such stuff, especially when you have to get the car running, please keep one of the windows open.
BTW, I heard and seen a lot about leaving the key inside the car and let it get locked automatically. However, I never have faced it as the In-Built Key Less Entry from Ford doesn't get locked automatically, unlike after market ones. It would get locked either you do it manually, or get the car run for more than 7 KMPH. The only other possibility of autolock is to unlock it with remote and leave it for 45 seconds, without opening any of the doors or boot. In such cases, you can't keep the keys inside.
You can ask me, then how had it got locked in that situation? Because, the car was on 2nd gear and throttled. Though it was stationary, the speedo had crossed 7 KMPH and thus locked.