we are comparing a recently launched XUV with a car which was in the market and roads for more than a decade and half, Storme (safari), so be fair there.
Are you sure ? Or you are talking about 2113 XUV?
Someone please post pics of Dicor Safari and Varicor Storme separately.
As a matter of fact, in the early days, Safari h ad its fair share of niggles/ issues/ replacements and recalls, of which a few they still carry.
please mention exactly which niggles, issues, replacements, recalls
are carried forward?, along with source of info, I won't mind changing my opinion about Storme if the sources are reliable.
Inspite of the fact that many of the design concepts were shared from Tata Estate/ Siarra (if am not wrong) etc.
Storme is available in flesh to check then why to talk in terms of ifs and buts? You can directly point out the shared concepts. Also you can elaborate on the drawbacks of design concepts of Estate and Sierra which you feel shared. Else no point in misleading n numbers of guest readers how the forum.
So neither of them can be considered as real off-roaders,
Whole TAI knows this.
though Storme has a slight upper hand here, only due to the more efficient 4X4 (as I hear from others).
You have answered which is better on this front?
Coming to the brakes, many people have here said Storme has better brakes, but if you guys would believe me,
When I did the TD on Storme, we happened to make a slightly hard braking and it was real scary as everyone onboard were thrown to the front and my wife was really uncomfortable and that moment we realized this is not for me.
This clearly indicates storme has better brakes. Nothing to get surprised for the scary or thrown to front feel. It is simple physics rule where momentum gained by human body can't allow body to remain stationary when a high speed car is stopped suddenly hence seat belts are mandatory across all cars all over world. Also your post indicates that how torquay the Varicor is!
Also considering the city road handling of Storme and XUV, I would prefer to use XUV over Storme as it offers a car like feel and easy maneuverability.
With bonnet visible from driver's seat and 20 cm less turning radius definitely make a difference of 1foot during U turn on signals or otherwise. If 1foot doesn't make difference then let me know which city you are talking about.? I mean which is the city in which practical 1foot lesser turning radius doesn't matter?
Interiors look & feel is a matter of personal choice, however from quality stand point, I do not think Storme has any kind of upper hand, both Storme & XUV are similar
Storme leather seatcovers are genuine leather while the W8 I checked, the it was rexine/art leather ( chemical poured on cotton seive sheet) I don't know weather it was OE or aftermarket.
When comparing the XUV initial version and the one coming out onto the road now, there is a lot of difference noticeable and have really emerged; they are able to iron out 95% of the issues as of date.
Which issues?
As for the 3rd row uneasiness with XUV, it has to do with claustrophobia which is a "phobia" to begin with.
Buddy, when the seventh passenger wants to alight with 6th passenger in situ, the butts are likely to rub against nose of 6th passenger, hence truly said, it is phobia.
But if you see XUVs rolled out on to the road in 2013, the owners have very less complaints.
M&M is able to address and iron out all the issues reported, Am proud to say that M&M & XUV has come long way from the day of launch
You said that there was Web campaign against XUV. Can you tell us which issues the socalled web campaign was shouting about .
And please enlighten us about names of issues ironed out and addressed by M&M.
I have seen this guy's comments in Facebook, he is a frustrated soul and I feel sorry for him. May be he is not doing the right thing in escalating or conveying the facts with the m&m
If his complaint can reach to TAI, Facebook then how come only M&M remain oblivious.?
]Or may be he was an unlucky guy who really got a lemon.
And there are instances of many people who have been complaining in similar tone about Safari dicor as well.
Come on, there is newly started thread going on about how dicor stranded three times on road, but this can not be an excuse for mahindras.
would like to request you to explain me your thoughts on why the Storme sales figures are nose diving and doing much worse than Aria
Which country's sales figures you are talking about?