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Hi friends, thought will do a separate thread for it as it will be useful for people to search and find.
I have bought an Autogauge tacho for my 800, a very base model. The bare metal was showing and the clamp to fix the tacho was like a c shaped and not good. So thought, will make one pod and stand for it. Decided to do it with acrylic sheet because it is easily bendable and I can make a cylinder out of it. So went to SP road and bought materials for the DIY.
Its not such a big DIY but just to show you that the acrylic plastic is an awesome thing to work on and wish it may be helpful for someone.
Materials and Tools used are:
Acrylic sheet black 3mm- Rs.30 (less than one Sq feet)
Anabond (cyano 777p) acrylic to acrylic glue- Rs. 30
Rubber bands- thicker ones (I used slices of cycle tube)
One bottle or can with the same diameter of the Tacho
Masking tape
Dremel 300 rotary tool
Different types of files
Emery paper 600, 1000 grit
For the Tacho light replacing:
One big sized LED white
One 470 ohm resister
I have bought an Autogauge tacho for my 800, a very base model. The bare metal was showing and the clamp to fix the tacho was like a c shaped and not good. So thought, will make one pod and stand for it. Decided to do it with acrylic sheet because it is easily bendable and I can make a cylinder out of it. So went to SP road and bought materials for the DIY.
Its not such a big DIY but just to show you that the acrylic plastic is an awesome thing to work on and wish it may be helpful for someone.
Materials and Tools used are:
Acrylic sheet black 3mm- Rs.30 (less than one Sq feet)
Anabond (cyano 777p) acrylic to acrylic glue- Rs. 30
Rubber bands- thicker ones (I used slices of cycle tube)
One bottle or can with the same diameter of the Tacho
Masking tape
Dremel 300 rotary tool
Different types of files
Emery paper 600, 1000 grit
For the Tacho light replacing:
One big sized LED white
One 470 ohm resister