Suggest Good Bajaj Dealerships in South Delhi

Thread Starter #1
Jul 29, 2014
I am planning to buy a Bajaj Pulsar AS 200.
I went to the TCS Bajaj showroom in Okhla, South Delhi, which is supposed to be an official Bajaj outlet according to their website.
They did not know much about anything and said the bike might be there in 15 days. They also seemed like they didn't care about any new customers and answered my questions vaguely.

They only had 1 piece of Pulsar 200 NS on display, which I test drove.
While preparing the NS for test drive, the guy revved it very hard. Isn't that bad to do on a new bike?
They said that if I would book a NS, this would be the piece I would get, not a brand new piece.

Is this cluelessness and treatment of bikes common in all dealerships?
I don't know much as this will be my first bike.

Are there other show rooms that you would recommend for Bajaj stuff?
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Aug 29, 2013
Re: What are good Bajaj dealerships in South Delhi?

AS 200 and NS 200 are almost the same bike with few cosmetic changes. It shares same engine and chassis. If you are looking for faired bike the go for AS200 else opt for NS200.

Faired bike has a little disadvantage in INDIA traffic
- when you park in the tight slots, the fairing area is more prone to scratch and damage.
- when the bike fall/skid/dashes the first thing breaks is the fairing.

whereas these thing do not affect the on non-faired bike like NS200/KTM Duke200/FZ16 etc.

One more thing NS200/AS200 are made for little taller person for both front and rear riders. If you are riding then for a comfortable handling the height should be 5'7" or above.

Pillion rider :
My dad is 5'5" couldn't climb easily on rear seat while I was taking him to some place on my friend's NS200.

Think before you buy.

NS200/AS200 is a superb bike to have.
Nov 21, 2014
Re: What are good Bajaj dealerships in South Delhi?

They only had 1 piece of Pulsar 200 NS on display, which I test drove.While preparing the NS for test drive, the guy revved it very hard. Isn't that bad to do on a new bike?
I think the salesman is more keen in selling of the Pulsar 200 NS rather than the AS 200, so that's why he has told some vague answers to you. And it is bad to revv harder in a new bike but the salesman would have done this to attract you to buy a Pulsar 200 NS.

And the AS 200's cowl may rattle a lot after a period of time so it is better to go in for the unfaired motorcycle.
Thread Starter #4
Jul 29, 2014
Thanks for the replies, guys.

Fairing is not important for me.
The only reason I had for choosing AS 200 is that it is a newer model and I hear that Bajaj does some silent refinements to engine and maybe other parts.
On top of that, the AS comes with projector headlights and a wind shield, which seems nice.
Finally, the introductory price of the AS is the same as the NS (actually slightly lower), so between the NS and AS, it kind of seems like a no-brainer to get the newer AS. (Correct me if I am wrong).

As for height, I like the fact that this Pulsar is tall. My height is 6'2", so it's fine for me.
I am assuming the AS height is the same as the NS height.

So, any other inputs on dealerships?
Are the dealerships listed on the Bajaj website the only ones? Is it possible for there to be other dealerships besides the ones mentioned on their website?
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