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The question may be too good to be true, but, for a moment think about how much good these breathalyzers shall do in ensuring that the driver does not sit behind the wheels in a drunk condition at all.
Just like the other safety devices in our cars today, why can't we have a breathalyzer too? It will not only prevent drunk driving but it also will save many lives for good.
Just like we get various readings on our MID screens, an option for breathalyzer reading can also be included in it so that both the driver and passengers are safe.
We do read about drunk driving related mishaps often and I am sure the car makers are not aloof on this matter. Just like the government enforced a compulsory seat belt rule for all cars, similarly this can also be done in the interest of safety of all the people who drive on road.
Here are a few statistics about how this drunk driving has been dealt with and fatalities due to it.
Please share your insights on the topic.
The question may be too good to be true, but, for a moment think about how much good these breathalyzers shall do in ensuring that the driver does not sit behind the wheels in a drunk condition at all.
Just like the other safety devices in our cars today, why can't we have a breathalyzer too? It will not only prevent drunk driving but it also will save many lives for good.
Just like we get various readings on our MID screens, an option for breathalyzer reading can also be included in it so that both the driver and passengers are safe.
We do read about drunk driving related mishaps often and I am sure the car makers are not aloof on this matter. Just like the government enforced a compulsory seat belt rule for all cars, similarly this can also be done in the interest of safety of all the people who drive on road.
Here are a few statistics about how this drunk driving has been dealt with and fatalities due to it.

Please share your insights on the topic.