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2016 saw a historic move by our central govt. The move has absolutely re-shaped our thoughts with respect to our economy. The 2017 Budget will be presented on February 01st so I would like to have your valuable views as to what all you expect from it this year. It is not necessary to talk only of the Auto Industry in this thread. You all may include your ideas with regards to any industrial sector in India and also what all schemes you wish should be included this year in the budget and what type of relaxations you feel should be provided to the people here. Our Budget is of-course, Of the People, By the People and For the People!
2016 saw a historic move by our central govt. The move has absolutely re-shaped our thoughts with respect to our economy. The 2017 Budget will be presented on February 01st so I would like to have your valuable views as to what all you expect from it this year. It is not necessary to talk only of the Auto Industry in this thread. You all may include your ideas with regards to any industrial sector in India and also what all schemes you wish should be included this year in the budget and what type of relaxations you feel should be provided to the people here. Our Budget is of-course, Of the People, By the People and For the People!
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