Does Frequent Night Driving Increases Your Eyesight Prescription?

Thread Starter #1
Jan 7, 2015
A brief history:
As a kid who loved watching TV closeup in the early 90s (the day of 21in CRTs), I was prone to near sightedness. A vist to a eye speciallist one fine day confirmed my mother's worst fears... Specs. Though my eyesight presciption was nothing major to worry about (-.25 to -.5), but my mother being from a medical background banned TV for nearly a decade and introduced me to my new specs. They became my companions for the next few years until my eyesight along with carrots (an old myth that carrots improve eyesight) improved to near perfect. From that day onwards, my best companion left me and I found a new companion in books.[frustration]
After passing college and getting a new job in 2006 as a software engineer, I began driving my family stallion i.e. MS Alto. Due to the nature of my job(staring at numerous computer screens) and those of my dear friends and colleagues(who ensured that I partied till I passed out), I never came home before 1 AM, i.e. If I ever came home(after 4-5 hours of rest). Driving those late nights as well as staring at numerous computer screens started taking a toll on my eyes.
Present Day:
After one fine day at work (Another company, circa 2015 and no more daily parties but I sometimes work late, I'm married now), while returning home, I start feeling a slight headache. After narrating my symptoms to my wife, she dropped all household chores and started lecturing me on how I am getting old so soon and my eyesights have become weak. Having hurt my macho self, I further took defense that how can my eyesight go weak, I have perfect eyesight and how I wanted to be a naval aviator (when I was young) and had tested my eyesight and eat humungous amount of carrots and gajar ka halwa[:D].
Nonetheless, she understood my symptoms and took me to an eye speciallist, who promptly undertook and eye test, confirming my worst fears and bringing rejoice to her perfect analysis.
A -.5 confirmation in both eyes and a new order for specs and anti-glare glasses later, I wanted to know how many of us feel that their eyesights have weakened due to night driving/staring at computer screens or how many feel a halo looking at another cars headlight beam.
A few articles based on my research
The Eyecare Trust - Night Driving - The Facts
Dry Eye Syndrome - what is it, symptoms, causes, risk factors, tests & diagnosis, treatment options: University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center
Jun 13, 2013
Re: Does frequent driving at night increase your eyesight presciption

A brief history:
As a kid who loved watching TV closeup in the early 90s (the day of 21in CRTs), I was prone to near sightedness. A vist to a eye speciallist one fine day confirmed my mother's worst fears... Specs. Though my eyesight presciption was nothing major to worry about (-.25 to -.5), but my mother being from a medical background banned TV for nearly a decade and introduced me to my new specs. They became my companions for the next few years until my eyesight along with carrots (an old myth that carrots improve eyesight) improved to near perfect. From that day onwards, my best companion left me and I found a new companion in books.[frustration]
After passing college and getting a new job in 2006 as a software engineer, I began driving my family stallion i.e. MS Alto. Due to the nature of my job(staring at numerous computer screens) and those of my dear friends and colleagues(who ensured that I partied till I passed out), I never came home before 1 AM, i.e. If I ever came home(after 4-5 hours of rest). Driving those late nights as well as staring at numerous computer screens started taking a toll on my eyes.
Present Day:
After one fine day at work (Another company, circa 2015 and no more daily parties but I sometimes work late, I'm married now), while returning home, I start feeling a slight headache. After narrating my symptoms to my wife, she dropped all household chores and started lecturing me on how I am getting old so soon and my eyesights have become weak. Having hurt my macho self, I further took defense that how can my eyesight go weak, I have perfect eyesight and how I wanted to be a naval aviator (when I was young) and had tested my eyesight and eat humungous amount of carrots and gajar ka halwa[:D].
Nonetheless, she understood my symptoms and took me to an eye speciallist, who promptly undertook and eye test, confirming my worst fears and bringing rejoice to her perfect analysis.
A -.5 confirmation in both eyes and a new order for specs and anti-glare glasses later, I wanted to know how many of us feel that their eyesights have weakened due to night driving/staring at computer screens or how many feel a halo looking at another cars headlight beam.
A few articles based on my research
The Eyecare Trust - Night Driving - The Facts
Dry Eye Syndrome - what is it, symptoms, causes, risk factors, tests & diagnosis, treatment options: University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center
Buddy for your info my vision in both eyes are more in spec than yours. I drive in night past 8 years. I see my eyes startedimproving vision in night. Eyes are there to look and weird that medical parents have misled you in those. And also that I work for IT firm and,8 hours work on laptop and rest of timecon my ioad. So start enjoying your rides.
Thread Starter #3
Jan 7, 2015
Does frequent driving at night increase your eyesight presciption

Apologies, my medical parents didn't mislead me, rather they took precautions to avoid aggravate the eyesight situation further. Also, my point being that does driving at night produce a sense of discomfort to your eyes? Like a sense of mild headache, eye ache or halo around headlights of oncoming vehicles.
Mar 19, 2014
Hi goldenfox7,

Night driving do produce some discomfort when compared to day light. You should be more alert as visibility becomes poor at night time. But if you are getting headache or eye ache due to this then avoid driving in nights and take proper care of your eyes. Check with your eye specialist whether anti glare specs reduces halo around headlights or not.

Like their rides one should always understand their own limits before touching roads. After all safety is more important than anything else.
Oct 24, 2014
@goldenfox7 i can perfectly relate to what you are saying as i have passed through the same. having said that when you constantly stare on your screen it is advised that every 15 mins look at a distant object this reduces the head ache. here the problem is we keep staring and the eye muscles are not stretched so this exercise was suggested to me by the Dr. it did give me some relief.i do wear specs now but night driving is never been a problem.yeah but i don't wear specs while driving at night i can clearly see whats ahead of me. i need glasses only when i read or write or sit in front of the system.
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