Co-Passenger / Pillion Safety: A Thoughtful Perspective

Thread Starter #1


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Co-Passenger/Pillion Safety: A Thoughtful Perspective.


Here I am again with yet another worth-a-thought perspective with regards to the Indian traffic scenario. This article shall basically deal with the co-passenger and pillion rider safety on our roads. As we all know India is a growing nation and definitely with the immense rise of population the road traffic also has increased manifolds. Be it cars, bikes or even public transport like buses or trains. People travel as co-passengers and pillion riders in all of them on a daily basis.

On roads in reality we do see that in cars, co-passengers at times do not wear seat belts when seated in front and while at the back they sit with elbow resting on the window which I feel is really dangerous. Wearing of co-passenger seat belt is as important as wearing the driver’s seat belt. In many cases the driver comes out with minor injuries where as unfortunately the co-passenger is badly hurt or in some cases might result as a casualty. Next, very commonly, people sit with elbow resting on the window this is really alarming and honestly, can lead to severe consequences in an accident. One might even loose a hand if an unfortunate happening occurs because the co-passenger are largely least bothered about this practice but it is important rather should be habitual in all people that whenever sitting in a car please do not extend out your hand/elbow. Please rest it inside the car only.

Coming to the two-wheeler, India has by far the most numbers of two-wheeler or as it may seem to be on the roads and often the 2 wheeler riders are not wearing helmets either to show-off or to protect their fragile and highly stylish “hairstyles”. Please, do not treat a helmet as a fashion accessory which might not compliment your get-up. It is a life saver and when life is there only then fashion is of any use. I have often witnessed that the pillion rider is most negligent in wearing a helmet. Let me state that in an accident the two wheeler rider primarily tries to save himself/herself first and then the co-passenger. The co-passenger should be capable enough to make sure that they are properly seated and have a helmet on. Don’t wear helmet for fear of Police, wear it for the sake of your life and the lives attached to you.

Talking of the public transport, this is probably one of the largest modes of transport in India. Be it rural, semi-urban or urban, people in large number travel in public transport like buses and trains. When people like me go on roads, I see, people hanging by a piece of the bus handle, leaning almost so low that they might fall-off any moment from the bus. In some other cities too, like Mumbai which has one of the biggest local train network and in U.P too, the trains are overflowing with people standing on the door or gripping the handle or even sitting on the roof of the bus/train. All these practices are at all times to be avoided at all costs. Nothing is more precious than life. One more thing that is also relevant to share here is that, do not take out your head while traveling in a train or bus. I hope, most of you are aware of the consequences it may lead to so do encourage other passengers too to avoid it always.

The Females, who travel as co-passengers and pillions should always make sure that they wear a helmet and obviously wear seat belts at all times. Covering the face with a Dupatta is not feasible as it is likely to get entangled with the bike’s wheel and might strangulate too. In the cars while being seated as co-passenger/ driver do make sure that the Saree shouldn't get caught between the doors of the car. Ladies are often unaware of this and it’s equally dangerous and might lead to uncalled situations.

I wish my small gesture here, I would be able to reach out to those people who often ignore such instances and thereby put their lives on the line. Let me also conclude here by saying that following unsafe practices as a pillion or co-passenger does not mean “Living Life on the Edge”.


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