A Structured Approach To Select Your New Car

Thread Starter #1
Apr 1, 2014
Chennai / Pondy
Change is the only thing which will not change. It's obvious for us to change the car or bike. After deciding to buy a car or bike, the anxiety starts which car or bike to select for you.[confused]

This is the first big article which I'm writing in TAI. I tried myself to KISS (Keep It Simple & Sweet). Let's see...! How it goes?

The entire article is just a reference to guide you to select your own car. Before beginning the selection don't get biased to any model of the car in your heart & mind. Yes, you should consult your mind, heart and family before deciding the car. This may help you to avoid your regret after selecting a car.

Here I'm going to explain the method of selecting your own car in today's world condition with different Companies, Models, Performances, Reviews and importantly the Budget. This article was written slightly lengthy for the benefit of novice. Please be patient to read this article.

1. Based on Budget or your requirement decide the New car or Pre-Owned car.

2. Select the Fuel Petrol Vs Diesel Vs Petrol with LPG or CNG ( Which is a big discussion going on and on and on....?) Thanks for our Govt. for this never ending discussions. Refer below links.

A. http://www.theautomotiveindia.com/f...-definitive-petrol-v-s-diesel-calculator.html

B. http://www.motorbeam.com/general/fuel-scenario-in-2014-with-petrol-vs-diesel-analysis/

C. http://aravindavk.in/diesel-vs-petrol-car/

There are 2 types of cost involved in owning a vehicle.

a. Capital Cost (On-Road Price)

b. Operating Cost (Fuel, Maintenance, Upgrades, Insurance and all others)

If you drive more than 1500 kms in a month and want less operating cost go for diesel for today's scenario. Diesel Vehicle Maintenance cost considerably par with Petrol vehicles. Already you will have enough load your wallet. (Statistics: In India 65% of Car owned thru Loans only. Not able to remember from where actually I taken this number [thinking]). Other wise Petrol is good for you.

3. Hatch Back or Sedan or SUV or MUV?

a. Hatch back: will be good option to drive in city with small family with less baggage's. It will reduce your parking issues. Less garage space you need.

b. Sedan:will be good option to drive in city and Highway with small family with more baggage's for your long trips. It will increase your parking issues. More garage space you need.

c. SUV: If you want more muscles, to look good on roads SUV for you. It will be combination of Hatch and Sedan.

d. MUV: If you travel with big family on most of the time.

Best judge to decide this option will be you & your family. Because you know your requirement much better than others.

Hope now you decided you requirement of your car. It is a Pre-request to start the hunt of your car.
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Thread Starter #2
Apr 1, 2014
Chennai / Pondy
Re: How to select your own car

Now you got your requirement list based on your Heart & Mind. Now list all the requirements in the Excel as per the below pic.

Car selection.jpg

Now the Maths begins.....

Rate your requirement on scale as 1,3,6 & 9.

9 - Very Much Important

6 - It's Important

3 - Less Important

1 - Not cared at all in column B

Now list all models preferred models by you and its competitor (like Car 1, Car 2, Car 3…) Now rate the car along with its particular variant against your requirement in column C. Then Calculate the DMN (Decision Making Number).

DMN = your requirement rating x Car rated by against the requirement (DMN D3 = B3*C3).

Its little bit TDS to divide the Rating. I will explain how to make the rating.

In Budget: My budget is say Rs 9 lacs

9 – well within your budget (within 9 lacs)

6 – Budget exceeds by 10% (9.1 to 9.9 Lacs)

3 – Budget exceeds by 20% (10.0 to 10.8 Lacs)

1 – Budget exceeds by more than 20%.(More than 10.8 lacs)

Airbag: My requirement is Driver & co-Driver Airbags.

9 – Driver, Co-Driver & Side Airbags (Fully Loaded Safety Feature)

6 – Driver & co-Driver Airbags available

3 – Only driver Airbag

1 – No Air bag

Fuel Efficiency: Like budget you can fix target. It is always better to consider ARAI for rating purpose. Because ARAI is inspected at standard condition for all cars. City & HW rating can be given based o Ownership reviews, Car reviews, Website reference, Auto magazines.

Pls find the link How ARAI is checked.

ARAI Mileage Test Procedure Doesn't Show Real World Fuel Efficiency | MotorBeam – Indian Car Bike News & Reviews

So like this fix rating for each requirement on your list. In general

9 – Exceeding your requirement

6 – Satisfying your requirement

3 – barely meeting your requirement

1 – Not meeting at all.

Calculate DMN by adding all ratings. D18=Sum(D3:D17) for Mind requirement DMN.

Now Calculate Heart Requirement DMN for selected car with selected variant. And calculate the Mind requirement DMN. Repeat rating for all your preferred cars & competitor cars.

Now Look who scores more DMN in Mind & Heart. Finally now you have found your Car with its variant.

Based on this calculation, I will select Car 1 with variant B.

Now you can doubly sure that you selected a perfect car for you. For doing this entire activity “research” is very important.

And all those information you can get from TAI. Once you made decision based on this, nobody can disturb you, No regrets in future too.

Still if you find difficult, write to me.


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Thread Starter #4
Apr 1, 2014
Chennai / Pondy
Re: A Structured Approach to selecting your own car

Attached the Excel file for your ready reference.

Thanks Marshal for approving and moving to the proper thread.[:)]
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Dec 1, 2011
Nice initiative Gandhi, A car buying process whether you are a newbie or an expert is always a game of compromising somewhere and getting confused amidst the choices - its times like this where you need to keep an objective head determine what you really want and make an informed decision, I like the objectivity - but at the same time there are things you buy from your heart because you are passionate about it - as long as one knows the reality and makes an informed decision its great either ways!
Thread Starter #7
Apr 1, 2014
Chennai / Pondy
Nice initiative Gandhi, A car buying process whether you are a newbie or an expert is always a game of compromising somewhere and getting confused amidst the choices - its times like this where you need to keep an objective head determine what you really want and make an informed decision, I like the objectivity - but at the same time there are things you buy from your heart because you are passionate about it - as long as one knows the reality and makes an informed decision its great either ways!
Actually if you see, I'm a newbie to cars. But an expert in Statistical Problem solving. When I started the hunt for my car, I find it difficult to finlaise my car because of being a newbie. I used my expertness in finding my car. Hence got this model.

Yes. obviously we should consider the heart. Both Mind & Heart are equal players to find the perfect car for you.

That's indeed a commendable effort. This XLS will sure help to ease off certain confusion among new car buyers. Just to add, our forum too has an informative topic on Petrol vs Diesel with excel calculator attached (http://www.theautomotiveindia.com/f...-definitive-petrol-v-s-diesel-calculator.html). You might want to check it out.

Drive Safe,
Thanks a lot 350Z. Actually I searched for this thread, but I could not find it using the search option. [confused]

Good thread. Thanks again for linking it here. [clap]
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Thread Starter #8
Apr 1, 2014
Chennai / Pondy
Dear TAI-gers,

I see a lots of viewing is going on this thread. Requesting feedback about this thread.

Anyway moderator placed this thread in Library section so I take it as a good one.
Thread Starter #11
Apr 1, 2014
Chennai / Pondy
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