Cars in Flood – Insurance and More!

Thread Starter #1


Honoured Member
Sep 3, 2013



The entire world looks at CHENNAI, India as the city is facing an unprecedented rain-related disorder.

More than the rain, the human encroachment of water flow routes and the anticipatory failure & preparation against the possible dangers of water discharge from local Dams devastated the life and properties.

The heart will melt and tears would roll out if we get into the deep of sufferance of those people and, the purpose of this article is to create some awareness on PERSONAL VEHICLES which we own out of our dream and hard earned money and to know, what one should do at times of such need.

It is a painful fact that motor vehicle accident causes nearly 14 deaths every hour in India and 70% of the two wheelers and almost 49 % of the four wheelers are uninsured in our country and all those risks like loss or damage to the vehicle and causing un expected third party death or damage by using such vehicle on public road becomes the sole responsibility of the owners themselves.

Many of us forget to renew our insurance policy from the next year onwards after registration or take only limited third party cover to save our money.


Therefore, would like to share some facts and Dos and Don’ts for the benefit of our forum members:


Check your insurance policy and renew the same in advance well before the expiry date. Insurance is a contract and the coverage will cease by midnight of expiry day. Damage / accidents occurring even after one minute will not be covered. You have to be careful especially when your expiry date happens to be a Friday or week end. Generally Saturday and Sundays are non-working days for general insurance companies in India.

Take a Package, comprehensive policy always. Though it appears expensive in the beginning, it will get reduced in every renewal to a maximum of 50% thereafter as NCB if you have not lodged a claim.

What is interesting , this No Claim Bonus is given to the owner and such owner can get the benefit of such discount in the first premium paid to his new car of similar category in future if he sells this one. Please note only comprehensive policy covers Theft of Car / Flood Damage / unexpected Accidental Damage made by a registered / duly licensed owner etc., apart from covering the compulsory third party liabilities.


Flooding and inundation of vehicle due to floods are covered under motor insurance but, if you crank up the engine after water ingress, the chances of you getting the claim will turn bleak. This is because insurers would not be able to gauge whether the damage has been caused by inundation or subsequent cranking. Therefore call for the service assistance as such cars are need to be towed away and require systematic approach.


1. Don't start the car,
2. Tow the vehicle to a garage,
3. Drain engine oil completely, Replace new air filter and oil filter which is important. Remove engine intake manifold and clean all water entry.
4. Fill with new engine oil, Jack the car front wheels,(Don't start) hand rotate the wheel, which in turn engine gets cranking. This process enable oil circulation and mix with water inside the engine, do it continuously for 15 minutes, then drain engine oil , again fill fresh oil, do the same process again, drain oil, clean all plugs. Remove starter clean & Refit
5. Now fill with fresh engine oil start the engine. Run 1 or 2 minutes.

This will cost Rs.6 to 7 thousand. If you have no insurance assistance , can avoid engine failure due to water entry and save major expenses.

Please note that all parts damaged due to floods can be claimed. Depending on the level of submersion — complete or stalling after being driven in two/three-feet of water — repairs could cost from ₹1.5 lakh to ₹5 lakh. To set right engine damage alone could cost about ₹ 1.5 lakh. The most expensive parts in today's new generation cars are electronic sensors.

A typical motor insurance policy covers all essential car parts like upholstery, gear box, steering wheel and engine assembly subject to depreciation or nil depreciation depends on the policy obtained. Car accessories other than OE need to be declared and covered separately by paying additional premium.


This policy covers all types of vehicles plying on public roads.


This policy covers all types of vehicles plying on public roads such as:-

• Scooters & Motorcycles
• Private cars
• All types of commercial vehicles
• Motor Trade (vehicles in show rooms and garages)

As per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 it is mandatory for every owner of a vehicle plying on public roads, to take an insurance policy, to cover the amount, which the owner becomes legally liable to pay as damages to third parties as a result of accidental death, bodily injury or damage to property. A Certificate of Insurance must be carried in the vehicle as a proof of such insurance.

Two types of covers are available:

1. Liability only policy. This covers third party liability for bodily injury liability and / or death and property damage. Personal Accident cover for Owner-driver is also included.
2. Package policy. This cover loss or damage to the vehicle insured in addition to (1) above.

No- claim discounts are available on renewal of policy, ranging from 20% to 50%, depending upon the type of vehicle and the number of years for which no claim has been made.


Liability Only policies:

The policy covers the vehicle owner's legal liability to pay compensation for:
1. Death or bodily injury to a third party person.
2. Damage to third party property.

Liability is covered for an unlimited amount in respect of death or injury and damage to third party property for Rs.7.5 lacs under Commercial vehicle and private car and Rs. 1 lakh for Scooters / Motor Cycles.

Package Policy

In addition to the coverage under liability only, this policy covers loss or damage to the insured vehicle and its accessories due to:
1. Fire, explosion, self-ignition or lightning.
2. Burglary, housebreaking or theft.
3. Riot and Strike.
4. Malicious Act.
5. Terrorist Act.
6. Earthquake (Fire and Shock) Damage.
7. Flood, Typhoon, Hurricane, Storm, Tempest, Inundation, Cyclone and Hailstorm.
8. Accidental external means.
9. Whilst in transit by road, inland waterway, lift, elevator or air.
10. By landslide/Rockslide

The policy also pays for towing charges from the place of accident to the workshop up to a maximum limit of Rs.300/- for Scooters/Motorcycles and Rs.1500/- for cars and commercial vehicles.

The important exclusions under the policies are:

• Wear and tear, breakdowns
• Consequential loss
• Loss when driving with invalid driving license or under the influence of alcohol.
• Loss due to war, civil war, etc.
• Claims arising out of contractual liability.
• Use of vehicle otherwise than in accordance with `limitations as to use ' (e.g. private car being used as a taxi)

Insurance Premium Rating factors:

Rating depends upon the following factors:
1. Insured Declared Value.
2. Cubic capacity
3. Geographical zone
4. Age of the vehicle
5. Gross Vehicle Weight of in case of commercial vehicles
6. Add on Covers

Add on covers

The policy can be extended to cover the following risks on payment of additional premium:
1. Loss or damage to accessories fitted in the vehicle such as stereos, fans, air-conditioners etc.
2. Personal accident cover under private car policies for:
• passengers
• paid driver
3. Legal liability to employees.
4. Legal liability to non-fare paying passengers in commercial vehicles.
5. Nil Depreciation, Courtesy Car, Medical Expenses, Personal Effects & Return to Invoice.

Who can take the policy?

Any vehicle owner whose vehicle is registered in his/her name with the Regional Transport Authority in India.
How to select the sum insured?

The sum insured of a vehicle in a Motor Policy is referred to as the I.D.V., which stands for Insured's declared Value.
In case of theft of vehicle or if the vehicle is totally damaged and beyond repairs in an accident, the claim amount payable will be determined on the basis of the IDV. The IDV of the vehicle is to be fixed on the basis of manufacturer's listed selling price of the brand and model of the vehicle proposed for insurance at the commencement of insurance / renewal and adjusted for depreciation as per schedule.

IDV of vehicle which is beyond 5 years of age and of obsolete models of the vehicles (i.e. models which the manufacturers have discontinued to manufacture) is to be determined on the basis of an understanding between insurer and insured.

How to claim?

In the event of an incident giving rise to a claim under the policy, the following steps should be taken:

In case of accidental damage to the vehicle:

1. Immediate intimation to the nearest office, which will issue a Claim Form.
2. Claim Form duly filled in to be submitted along with copy of Registration Certificate and Driving license of the driver of the vehicle at the time of accident as also estimate of repairs.
3. Vehicle will be surveyed by a Surveyor, appointed by the insurance company, who shall submit his report to the company. In case of a major damage to the vehicle, a spot survey, at the site of accident, would also be arranged by the company.
4. Final bills/cash memos are to be submitted duly signed by the insured.
5. Salvage of the damaged parts may be required to be deposited with the insurance company after approval of the claim.

In case of theft of the vehicle:

1. Lodge an F.I.R. with the police immediately.
2. Inform the policy issuing office with a copy of FIR.
3. Submit the Final Police Report as soon as it is received.
4. Extend full cooperation to the surveyor and/or investigator appointed by the company.
5. After approval of the claim by the company, get the Registration Certificate transferred
in the name of the company, hand over the keys of the vehicle, submit a letter of
Subrogation and Indemnity on stamp paper duly notarized.

In case of liability claim:

1. Inform insurance company immediately of any incident likely to give rise to liability
2. On receipt of summons from Court, the same should be sent to the company
3. Claim Form duly filled in along-with copies of Registration Certificate, Diving License, FIR
are to be submitted.









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Thread Starter #2


Honoured Member
Sep 3, 2013




Seventy-two years after it was first produced, the 1943 Ford GPA Amphibious Seep, which helped put thousands of Allied troops on the Normandy beach during World War II, came to the rescue of Chennai residents when a business man used the vehicle for extensive relief work.

When Vinayak Shankar of Krishna Mines realised the proportions of the flooding in Chennai, he quickly called up his men in Tirunelveli to transport the Ford GPA on a truck to the city.

When the amphibious seep finally arrived on Tuesday, Mr. Shankar rushed to Kottupuram and met officials, offering to help in the rescue and relief efforts.

In Kotturpuram, Mr. Shankar braved strong currents of the Adayar river in spate to distribute food packets to stranded residents.

Mr. Shankar has a special mechanic, Udhayasuriyan, who has been with his family for thirty years and takes care of the Seep, which runs on petrol.
Thread Starter #4


Honoured Member
Sep 3, 2013

Chennai - India's second largest auto manufacturing hub suffers loss of over Rs 3000 crores .

Automakers like Ford, Hyundai, Renault-Nissan, Ashok Leyland and Royal Enfield remained closed, exports affected as port is flooded last week.

More than 30000 vehicles are damaged and the estimate excludes anticipated claims from auto manufactures under Business Interruption Insurance.

Economic impact of Chennai Floods: Auto industry to be worst hit

The numbers:

Chennai accounts for 25% of India's automotive production - of cars, bikes and parts
The auto industry contributes more than 40% to the country's manufacturing sector

The impact:

India exported 3.5 million vehicles in 2014-15. This is set to fall drastically due to the Chennai floods

Even for domestic consumers, the delivery periods will get longer and service will also suffer
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Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Mudhan Sir, It is a comprehensive article having every important detail and every aspect covered. There couldn't have been a better time than now to have such an illustrative article from your end. This will surely help many enthusiasts to take care of their cars if ever such a situation may arise in any part of India. Wonderfully written. Thanks a lot for sharing the same. A much needed thread indeed Sir.


Thread Starter #7


Honoured Member
Sep 3, 2013
@Akash1886 & @350Z

Your appreciation is meant a lot to me and I'm glad you value my work and I appreciate your confidence in me.

Thank you for kind compliments.

Regards, Dr MUDHAN.
Oct 30, 2015
Mudhan Sir,

Congratulations on extremely well crafted article. Sir, it is indeed very knowledgeable and timed perfectly. This knowledge is certainly going to help our Chennai brothers. I am relatively new to this forum but have read your previous posts as well. I am delighted to interact with you today on this wonderful forum of ours.

We at Chennai suffered a huge loss but I am sure that we (Indians) will overcome the loss soon.

Well Done !! [thumbsup]. Please keep on delighting us with your wonderful articles in future as well.
Thread Starter #9


Honoured Member
Sep 3, 2013



Sometimes we are doubtful whether our claim will be considered by the insurance company or rejected quoting some fine prints.

For example how do they define ‘FLOOD’ while considering a claim as flood damage?

If you refer dictionary, it indicates as ‘An overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land’

Insurance definition has a wider coverage as:

Destruction or damage by the escape of water from the normal confines of any natural or artificial water course ( other than water tanks, or apparatus or pipes) or lake, reservoir, canal or dam, or due to inundation from the sea.

Water damage to a car need not be due to water during a calamity or disastrous flood. During heavy rain while we get struck amidst an unexpected pool of water under a bridge or unexpected overflow of forest stream is also covered. (Site Photos & Reports from Meteorological department/ Newspapers are taken as evidence.)

Hope, the following questions and answers will help you to some extend better understanding of Motor Insurance.

Q.1. Is Motor Insurance compulsory?

A: Yes. Under the Motor Vehicles Act, all motor vehicle owners must have third party insurance cover.
The law in the country makes it compulsory for you to insure your motor vehicle. The compulsory nature of the law protects you against third party liability. While insuring against third party liability is important, it also makes good sense to buy a comprehensive cover to give you all round protection.

Q.2. What kinds of Motor Policies are available?

A: The Insurance covers offered are as under:

Liability Only Policy: covering the liabilities towards third parties only, as per Motor Vehicles Act. This insurance is mandatory for a vehicle plying in public roads, as per Motor Vehicles Act.

Package Policy: In addition to the above, the loss or damage to the vehicle insured, by specified perils, is also covered subject to the value declared and other terms and conditions in the policy.

Q.3. What is "NO CLAIM BONUS"?

A: No claim bonus is a special discount given for every claim-free year. As per the schedule of tariff, NCB can be earned in the Own Damage section of Policies covering all classes of vehicles but not on Motor Trade Policies (Road Transit Risks / Road Risks / Internal Risks) and policies that cover only Fire and / or Theft Risks.

Q.4. Is "No Claim" Bonus transferable in case one changes the insurer?

A: The discount rate remains the same; provided you show evidence that you are entitled to No Claim Bonus from your previous motor insurance company. Evidence can be in form of a renewal notice or a letter confirming the NCB entitlement from the previous insurer.

Q.5. What is a Cover Note?

A: Cover note is an interim cover of insurance issued by the Insurer before the issuance of a policy, after the Insured has given a duly filled in proposal form and has paid the premium in full. A cover note is valid for a period of 60 days from the date of issue of the cover note and the Insurer shall issue the Certificate of Insurance before the cover note expires.

Q.6. Should one report all the accidents to the police?

A: Accidents involving such as "Third Party Property Damage", "Bodily Injury To Self or Third Party" or "Theft" should be reported to the nearest police station, under whose jurisdiction the incident has occurred.

Q.7. An insured has comprehensive car insurance. In case of transport of the car by train or truck, should the insured take a marine policy to cover the transportation risks?

A: A comprehensive car policy covers transportation risk by rail, road and inland waterways within the country.

Q.8. What will be the premium payable for a vehicle?

A: Premium depends upon various factors viz. type, make, model, cc, usage, place of registration, past claims history etc. of the vehicle. Therefore one should approach insurance company with vehicle details for exact premium.

Q.9. Can one renew his policy at a different place?

A: Yes, it is possible. A fresh proposal form needs to be filled in. The office may also insist for physical inspection of vehicle and other formalities, depending upon the situation.

Q.10. When should one renew the insurance for his vehicle & why?

A: It is strongly recommended to renew your insurance before expiry of the existing insurance. This ensures that the vehicle is insured against the risks without any break and takes care of any loss within the ambit of the policy one has. This also retains the No Claim Bonus–the hard earned discount in premium for claim free year/s.

Q.11. What if the previous policy has already expired?

A: If, the policy has already expired, a fresh insurance can be obtained. Since a break in insurance has occurred, the vehicle will be physically inspected by a company official or an authorized representative/agency, at insured’s cost. The entitlement of No Claim Bonus will be as per rules, that is within 90 days of grace period during the break.

Q.12. Can one transfer his insurance to the purchaser of the vehicle?

A: Yes, the insurance can be transferred to the buyer of the vehicle, provided the seller gives in writing to the insurance company. A fresh proposal form needs to be filled in. There is a nominal fee charged for transfer of insurance. One should contact the concerned insurance office for guidance and terms and conditions.

Q.13. Is it OK if the insurance continues in the name of the previous owner whereas the vehicle is transferred in RTO records in the name of the new owner?

A: Never one should commit this mistake. Registration and insurance of the vehicle should always be in the same name with same address. Otherwise the claim is not payable. A fresh proposal form needs to be filled in. There is a nominal fee charged for transfer of insurance. Please contact the concerned insurance office for guidance and terms and conditions.

Q.14. If an insured loses the insurance policy; can he get a duplicate one?

A: Yes, with a written request & on remittance of a nominal fee a duplicate policy copy.

Q.15. What if the vehicle has CNG/LPG kit installed or any other alteration done to the vehicle?

A: If the vehicle is installed with CNG/LPG kit in the vehicle or if there is any other change in the structure/usage of the vehicle, it should be permitted by the RTO-means, it should be registered with the RTO & also entered by them in the RC. Then, the owner has to approach the insurance company and declare it to them with a copy of the RC. Additional premium is payable for the vehicle with LPG/CNG kit and an endorsement will be passed for the same.

Q.16. What should be done in case of an accident/theft of the vehicle?

A: Claim is to be immediately notified to the policy issuing office or at toll free number.

Q.17. Whom should one contact if his vehicle suffers a loss in a city other than the policy issuing city?

A: Claim is to be intimated to the nearest office of the insurer/register at toll free number irrespective of the place of the claim.

Q.18. What are the documents and formalities required for processing of the claim by the Company?

A: The documents and formalities required for processing and settlement of the claim will depend upon the type of vehicle and nature of loss. To contact the office concerned for guidance.

The general checklist is as follows, however contact respective insurance companies for exact details:
Apart from completely filled claim form insurance companies require a copy of
Driving License
Registration certificate in case of retail policy and additionally
Permit & Fitness certificates in case of commercial vehicles

Q.19. What are the important things one should bear in mind while insuring the vehicle?

A: One should fill up the proposal form, answer all the questions correctly and sign it. This plays a vital role in deciding the premium and the admissibility of claim. Incomplete or incorrect information may result in denying the claim. Therefore, one should never leave it to any other person to fill it up.
Ensure that the required proposer/ vehicle details are correctly recorded in the policy schedule. Make sure that every digit of vehicle registration number, engine and chassis numbers etc. are fully and correctly entered. Any error should be immediately got corrected as otherwise it would create trouble at the time of claim.
In case of any material change one should inform immediately to the insurer so that it can be corrected by the way of endorsement. One should read policy terms, conditions, particularly the exclusions etc. very carefully. They are important from claim point of view. Registration and insurance of the vehicle should always be in the same name with same address.

Q.20.Can Add-ons be selected individually as per requirement?

A: Yes. Based on the available add on covers which enhances the benefit can be opted.

Q.21. What is Nil-Dep cover and how many claims can be made under Depreciation Reimbursement cover?

A: Depreciation is a wear and tear and usage factor that car parts are exposed to. If we replace a new part for an older part, we are indirectly benefitted more than the loss. Insurance is to make only the loss good and should not bring any extra benefit. Practically we can’t buy exactly the same aged parts. The new portion of benefit is expected to be borne by the claimant and deducted. In a nil-depreciation policy it is waved on extra premium. However one should be careful while selecting the insurance company & choosing such extra cover, as some insurers may impose some policy excess that is Rs.2500 to Rs.5000 which the insured has to borne in each and every claim.

With some insurers, Depreciation waiver is for 2 claims only. However, option of more claims is also available.

Q.22.Vehicle is in garage for windscreen damage. Will one get benefit of daily allowance under Alternate Transport Expenses cover/Courtesy car?

A: No, Daily allowance claim is not payable in case of only windscreen damage claim.

Q.23. An insured has restricted cover policy. Is he eligible for availing add-on covers?

A: No. Add-on covers can be availed on comprehensive package policy only.

Q.24. Is damages to tyres payable ?

Damages to tyres alone is ordinary not payable. If however, the insured car is also damaged at the same time, the damage to tyres is payable but the amount is limited to 50% of the cost of replacement of the tyres.

Q.25. whom to approach in case of dispute in claim settlement Denial / Delay /Amount?

As per regulatory norms every insurer must have a customer grievance department. Approach the customer grievance department first, if not satisfied, approach the insurance ombudsman of your jurisdiction. Every insurance policy will have these address details at the end as per ‘protection of policy holders’ norms.
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Jun 4, 2014
That's some useful information Dr.Mudhan! Appreciate your efforts and kudos for opening such thread. As a person from Insurance domain, I think you have covered almost everything a layman or customer need to know about Motor Insurance.

Appreciate to keep up with your work and I will be happy to help you anytime if you need any information!
Jun 12, 2014
Great and detailed article Dr Mudhan. I hope Albus is safe and sound. I am also from Chennai and both my warriors 1) TBird 350 and 2) Hyundai Verna Fluidic had to bear the wrath of the nature. A poor and departed soul I am now.[cry]
Jun 4, 2014
Great and detailed article Dr Mudhan. I hope Albus is safe and sound. I am also from Chennai and both my warriors 1) TBird 350 and 2) Hyundai Verna Fluidic had to bear the wrath of the nature. A poor and departed soul I am now.[cry]
I am really sorry to hear that! I hope Insurance company can compensate you the IDV value and guess you have given higher IDV value while insuring.

These kinda calamity teach us a lot. Sadly, we have to learn this in this way.
Thread Starter #13


Honoured Member
Sep 3, 2013
Mudhan Sir, Congratulations on extremely well crafted article. Sir, it is indeed very knowledgeable and timed perfectly. This knowledge is certainly going to help our Chennai brothers. I am relatively new to this forum but have read your previous posts as well. I am delighted to interact with you today on this wonderful forum of ours.We at Chennai suffered a huge loss but I am sure that we (Indians) will overcome the loss soon. Well Done !! [thumbsup]. Please keep on delighting us with your wonderful articles in future as well.
Your words make me proud to be an Indian. Thank you for your encouragement.

That's some useful information Dr.Mudhan! Appreciate your efforts and kudos for opening such thread. As a person from Insurance domain, I think you have covered almost everything a layman or customer need to know about Motor Insurance.Appreciate to keep up with your work and I will be happy to help you anytime if you need any information!
Thanks for your kind words and support.

Great and detailed article Dr Mudhan. I hope Albus is safe and sound. I am also from Chennai and both my warriors 1) TBird 350 and 2) Hyundai Verna Fluidic had to bear the wrath of the nature. A poor and departed soul I am now.[cry]
With much grief but still you are so kind on others. This impersonal human touch rendered by fellow Chennians is the most touching part of the calamity. [clap]

Thanks for your special enquiry about my ALBUS. By God’s grace ALBUS was untouched.

I am really sorry to note your loss and understand your pain over your warriors TBird 350 and Hyundai Verna Fluidic . You will be compensated soon. (Of course, there is nothing to compensate our sentiments!)

The Insurance companies have been instructed by IRDA, the regulator to settle the claims fast and without fuss.

The Public Sector Insurance Companies announced today :

‘For vehicles, based on the level of submergence, the PSU Insurance Companies will pay upfront a fixed sum to policy holders. The claim will be settled on cash-loss basis. The insured/vehicle owner can get the vehicle repaired at his convenience later. A similar matrix will be provided for consumer durables insured under the home insurance policy’

My next article will be on claim settlement methods.

Regards To All
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Jun 12, 2014
As always your post brings a breeze of pleasing knowledge Mudhan Sir. Hope from your experience in the insurance industry and what you stated for IRDA instructions I would be able to get some repairing done to bring my vehicles on road again.
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