Figo TDCi - Low FE. Need Suggestions.

Thread Starter #1
Aug 2, 2011
Frenz - My Figo TDCi is now 2 Yrs & 3 Months old and have clocked 42K. I would like to discuss on the Low FE issue which is as low as 12 - 13 KMPL in City and 16 - 17 in Highways. Here are the pointers for a detailed analysis.

Important Note: Please do treat this to be a simple "Kitna Dethi Hai" kind of thread. I am suspecting some issue or abnormality which is affecting the FE despite of all other factors. Though FE is not everything, but that surely matters much considering our ever rising fuel costs etc. After all, this is one of the prime reason for buying a Diesel car. Isn't it?

Mods: I know that a different thread is running for FE. However, creating this thread for the reason that this issue may be specific to my car.

I bought the car in Pune and from day one, I have been getting an average FE of 15 - 17 in the City and 17 - 18 in Highways. The city figures were found to be reasonable, whereas Highway ones weren't. However, most of those Highway trips included with some amount of Hill Drives, so I didn't complain. The city drives in Pune weren't literally city kind, as the roads in Pune are really good with very less traffic. Though the FASS in Pune said I should be getting more than what I am claiming, I didn't mind much as they would probably be hyping it.

Moved to Bangalore in Mar 2012 and the car clocked 19K by that time and the FE started dipping. As it was due for 20K service, I didn't mind much. But, no betterment even after service and FE remained to be 12 - 13 in City and 15 - 17 in Highways. The same continued even after 30K service. I could think of the worst possible B2B Traffic & Road Conditions etc. in Bangalore, but still, what about Highways?

Now, even after 40K service, the story continues... The driving conditions have fairly changed in the last 6 months as I opted for a different timings to work (12 - 8 PM) which is much much better than the regular peak hours. But, that didn't result any different with FE. Shouldn't it be?

Some more pointers -

  • I always do only Full Tanks and never have done a partial fill till date. I also do maintain an excel from day one to till date of all fills with FE figures, not even missed one.
  • Tried both Auto Cut-Off & Up to Brim Methods.
  • Drive sedately, and the highway speeds are about 80-120. Made couple of trips with in 80 range particularly for this reason, yet not resulted any great.
  • A/C is always On, perhaps not or about 50 - 80% in few days of Peak Winter.
  • Tried different driving styles as well and also upshifing in 2K or 2.2K range for couple of fills.
  • Of late (for last 2 fills) been very cautious on the driving style by Upshifting Early, Using the Low End Torque as much as possible instead of Clutch, and Maintain within 2K RPM.
  • Tyres changed to Apollo Accelere couple of months ago and have clocked about 3 - 4 K in it.

Have reported to Metro Ford about the FE concern during all services and they didn't bother much to do than updating the ECU Software, which couldn't do any magic. Hence, consulted Elite Ford a week ago and they checked the vehicle and found nothing abnormal. They also have reset all sensors and asked me to observe for sometime. However, today's refill resulted 13.32 again.

I am much worried and confused now, what could the issue be? Agree with the driving conditions, however, the result should also vary when the driving conditions varies, which is not happening. Need your suggestions on what could be the probable issue and should be worked on to get it better.
Dec 8, 2010

Best thing is to sell it out for a very good price it offers in market now[lol], sorry buddy I was kidding.

You have already listed all most all possible scenarios with the car and hardly any suggestions left there, still I suggest two things

1. Check the FE figures of one or two Figo owners(from TAI or outside) and compare them
2. Call on Ford branch guys in Bangalore and tell them the problem and also tell them you have been to two dealers already and FE unchanged. Is that common for Figo car or some thing some where is wrong which is not being detected by service guys. I just remember Sethu car story here, but it is a petrol one and LPG, but as you said the sole reason for buying diesel car is better FE, if it is not met then it truly make us worry. Wish your problem get solved soon, if not getting solved, then I don't mind suggesting to sell it out for a good price[:)] as there will be no other option left than thinking about it every day
Thread Starter #3
Aug 2, 2011

Best thing is to sell it out for a very good price it offers in market now, sorry buddy I was kidding.
As expected, you are the first one to respond...[clap]

You have already listed all most all possible scenarios with the car and hardly any suggestions left there, still I suggest two things

1. Check the FE figures of one or two Figo owners(from TAI or outside) and compare them
Yes. That's one of the prime reasons of initiating a separate thread. Expecting fellow Figoians to share their views & suggestions. On the Facebook pages many are claiming different figures and some of them are clearly found to be fake. Hence, awaiting for genuine responses from TAI Figoians.

2. Call on Ford branch guys in Bangalore and tell them the problem and also tell them you have been to two dealers already and FE unchanged. Is that common for Figo car or some thing some where is wrong which is not being detected by service guys.
Metro Ford is just worthless in my experience with all the time. They are just for namesake the largest service provider in Bangalore and found to be the best, when you actually have no problems[lol]. If you go with one, you will know what they are capable of.

The Service Manager in Elite Ford is found to be more reasonable and understanding the point I am claiming. Last week, when I visited there on the way to my office, he asked me to leave the car for the check up. I said, I didn't come with that plan but don't mind leaving it if you can arrange for a drop and he agreed. However, he couldn't find a driver to drop me (Seen always with Elite Ford) and he personally came to drop me to the office and take the car back. How sweet... During that time, he observed my driving style and said, "it's perfect and I don't find an issue with driving style". As I updated him today on the figures, he agreed to talk to the Ford Guys and revert me by next week.

I just remember Sethu car story here, but it is a petrol one and LPG, but as you said the sole reason for buying diesel car is better FE, if it is not met then it truly make us worry. Wish your problem get solved soon, if not getting solved, then I don't mind suggesting to sell it out for a good price as there will be no other option left than thinking about it every day
Spot on RK. That's the whole point. But can't even think of giving her off, as I love her much for many other reasons. Also, no budgets for any new cars for next 4 - 5 years.
Dec 8, 2010
Fine Subbu, Yes end solutions always bit harsh and possibility to follow them are not practical(selling the car)[:)]

Few things to check

1. Are new tyres are upsized or stock size
2. What is the status of engine decarbonizing
3. Please check it out with the Figo owners of Bangalore rather than others as I have seen that Bangalore traffic is really pathetic and I do not know how far your travelling is hit by such traffic. For example, if one travels from Malleshwaram to Majestic or one travels from Lalbaugh to Majestic will defenately going to have very less FE than who travels on Bommanahalli,EC,HSR layout areas

I think I have already told you we are 4 close friends(Figo,Swift,Ritz,XUV) and Figo friends FE is some where between 16 to 18km in city with full time AC and on highway it is 21 to 22kmpl. Please do not get disturbed with these figures as the part of city we are in Hyderabad is not so much traffic filled like Bangalore
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Thread Starter #5
Aug 2, 2011
Thanks RK. My comments are inline.

Few things to check

1. Are new tyres are upsized or stock size - Same specs of OE. No Changes.
2. What is the status of engine decarbonizing Sorry, what is this?[confused]
3. Please check it out with the Figo owners of Bangalore rather than others as I have seen that Bangalore traffic is really pathetic and I do not know how far your travelling is hit by such traffic. For example, if one travels from Malleshwaram to Majestic or one travels from Lalbaugh to Majestic will defenately going to have very less FE than who travels on Bommanahalli,EC,HSR layout areas Agreed. I travel from Banaswadi to Whitefield and this is one of the pathetic roads of Bangalore.

I think I have already told you we are 4 close friends(Figo,Swift,Ritz,XUV) and Figo friends FE is some where between 16 to 18km in city with full time AC and on highway it is 21 to 22kmpl. Please do not get disturbed with these figures as the part of city we are in Hyderabad is not so much traffic filled like Bangalore Errrrr.... You want me to say that I am not disturbed? But very true, the driving conditions aren't same in both cities. But Highway ones? That's a question to raise anyway.
Feb 27, 2013
Hi Figoan,

Please check Figo manual and recommended engine de-decarbonation schedule.

More on de-decarbonation - What is engine decarbonation

Are you using any fuel additives?

Did you get the air-filter cleaned? If yes consider changing it.

Yes the route which you travel goes via KR Puram, so I can understand the pains.

My friend's new Figo is giving 16-17 in city and 18-20 (not more) in highways. The car has done just 5K now. But dont expect Figo to give FE like Ritz/Swift/Vista as its engine is much bigger in size and less refined.
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Aug 10, 2011
For Figo (D) car in bad traffic condtion like in bangalore, you should get around 14 KMPL minimum , I am assuming that, for 10 KM travel if you are on 1st/2nd gear for max 2-3 KM. If you are traveling in 1/2 nd gear more time, then expect a very noticeable drop of FE. This figure is with A/C say about 50%.

In Highway with 100% A/C and speed 100-120, definitely you will get 20 KMPL. Reduce the speed (80-100) and get more FE.

You car seems to be OK, but some suggestion I can give,

Try changing fuel pump.
Get the turbo cleaned by raising the engine RPM to 3000+ for about 30 sec.
Check whether break is jamming the wheel.
Oct 4, 2012

As amit said please change the fuel pump go to BP or Indian OIL company owned outlet and try fuel there as even one of my firend who has a Figo D in Chennai gets a mileage of 15 - 17 in traffic. He lives in Anna nagar and travels to Teynampet for work.
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Thread Starter #9
Aug 2, 2011
My comments are inline.


As amit said please change the fuel pump go to BP or Indian OIL company owned outlet and try fuel there as even one of my firend who has a Figo D in Chennai gets a mileage of 15 - 17 in traffic. He lives in Anna nagar and travels to Teynampet for work.

In Highway with 100% A/C and speed 100-120, definitely you will get 20 KMPL. Reduce the speed (80-100) and get more FE. Big figures... Not seen them yet.

Try changing fuel pump. Done. Tried all the 3 brands including COCO pumps, but nothing changed. Will also do try Shell when the Diesel prices gets at par, which is not too far... [clap]
Get the turbo cleaned by raising the engine RPM to 3000+ for about 30 sec. Do that regularly. But that's more to do with Exhaust Soot right?
Check whether break is jamming the wheel. Assuming, FASS would have checked in in this perspective. However, will check it out with them. Thanks.
Please check Figo manual and recommended engine de-decarbonation schedule. I don't remember seeing something like that. Will check it again anyways.

More on de-decarbonation - What is engine decarbonation Thanks Anshuman. Will google more about it.

Are you using any fuel additives? Not now. I used SystemD earlier, more than a year ago, but not observed any major changes in the figures.

Did you get the air-filter cleaned? If yes consider changing it. Yes. Replaced it in recent 40K service.

Yes the route which you travel goes via KR Puram, so I can understand the pains.

My friend's new Figo is giving 16-17 in city and 18-20 (not more) in highways. The car has done just 5K now. But dont expect Figo to give FE like Ritz/Swift/Vista as its engine is much bigger in size and less refined. Even a friend's new Figo (in Bangalore) which clocked similar number getting similar figures mentioned by you. Of course, I am not expecting or even benchmarking with Ritz/Swift/Vista/Punto. I would be more than happy if my Figo gives like any other Figo. It's just an apple to apple.[;)]
Dec 8, 2010

Really don't worry buddy as I see a 5km difference between others and your Figo there,

1. Do check for the engine decarb in maintenance manual
2. Check the status of air filter
3. Check the tyre pressure or fill with nitrogen
4. Visit a company owned pump and stand there while fuel is being filled lot of cheating goes on buddy
5. I think flushing out the fuel tank once may give some good results too

Yes Figo engine is not like Fiat engine and efficiency comes down after 40k ODO, but I hope it is also most successful engine which runs in fiesta classic so that should do well.
My friends Figo I took it out for a highway drive a year back and I have achieved 20kmpl, but I have to check current figures, I will check them tomorrow and post them for you.
Apr 4, 2012
The change in altitude can be factor as well.Pune is at a lower altitude than Bangalore.Hence there has been a little drop in efficiency.

Your car would be running a little rich to compensate for this.Try to calibrate the ecu.I am not sure what else can be done.

Filling Nitrogen and flushing out the fuel tank are good suggestions too.Check the oil and coolant lines of the turbo to make sure it is running correctly.

If you have a Figo that was purchased in Bangalore, hook it up to an ecu reader and check all the values.Then try to calibrate your ecu accordingly.

Alternatively, you can just unplug the battery for half hour then connect it back so the Ecu can reset itself.Maybe this way it will calibrate it self according to the new altitude.
Thread Starter #12
Aug 2, 2011

Really don't worry buddy as I see a 5km difference between others and your Figo there,

1. Do check for the engine decarb in maintenance manual
2. Check the status of air filter
3. Check the tyre pressure or fill with nitrogen
4. Visit a company owned pump and stand there while fuel is being filled lot of cheating goes on buddy
5. I think flushing out the fuel tank once may give some good results too

Yes Figo engine is not like Fiat engine and efficiency comes down after 40k ODO, but I hope it is also most successful engine which runs in fiesta classic so that should do well.
My friends Figo I took it out for a highway drive a year back and I have achieved 20kmpl, but I have to check current figures, I will check them tomorrow and post them for you.
Thanks RK. But 5 KMPL is really a BIG number, isn't it? I would rather settle down happily with 2 - 3 more KMs. That's even really good for me than 5.

The change in altitude can be factor as well.Pune is at a lower altitude than Bangalore.Hence there has been a little drop in efficiency.

Your car would be running a little rich to compensate for this.Try to calibrate the ecu.I am not sure what else can be done.

Filling Nitrogen and flushing out the fuel tank are good suggestions too.Check the oil and coolant lines of the turbo to make sure it is running correctly.

If you have a Figo that was purchased in Bangalore, hook it up to an ecu reader and check all the values.Then try to calibrate your ecu accordingly.

Alternatively, you can just unplug the battery for half hour then connect it back so the Ecu can reset itself.Maybe this way it will calibrate it self according to the new altitude.
Thanks Jarpickle. FASS had checked the ECU and reset all the parameters. Even the battery thing was also done. Yet, nothing worked any wonders.
Feb 27, 2013
One advise, let any of your friend/colleague drive the car for a week or so and you sit with him(If you do carpool). Check the FE generated.

I haven't heard any Figos getting more than 17 in Bangalore though. If you get 15+ you can settle for it, as your route is congested and car is already done 42K.

Thread Starter #15
Aug 2, 2011
Has your driving style changed?Do you drive a lot in traffic?
Yes I do. But the figures don't change even with changing driving conditions.

One advise, let any of your friend/colleague drive the car for a week or so and you sit with him(If you do carpool). Check the FE generated.

I haven't heard any Figos getting more than 17 in Bangalore though. If you get 15+ you can settle for it, as your route is congested and car is already done 42K.

I would love to, but don't have one to try it on every day drive. Perhaps, you wouldn't have got a chance to check my first or even other posts completely. My figures are just 12 - 13 range, which is way far from 17[:D].
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