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Now you can own a Chevy Spark for an effective price of Rs. 123000/-. The basic funda is you get a Spark with advertisements of a particlar brand and you need to manitain those advertisements for minimum period of 30 months. And in return to this, you get a fixed income of Rs. 6000 per month for 60 months (Minimum lock-in period is 30 months)
Carvertise is the concerned Advertising Firm who has come up with this innovative idea wherein you get a Spark at price of Nano.
Request to Moderator/ Owner: I have full details of this scheme in a zip file and I am ready to share it with TAI. I request you to upload that in some section within the forum from where it can be accessible to all the members.
Carvertise is the concerned Advertising Firm who has come up with this innovative idea wherein you get a Spark at price of Nano.
Request to Moderator/ Owner: I have full details of this scheme in a zip file and I am ready to share it with TAI. I request you to upload that in some section within the forum from where it can be accessible to all the members.

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