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Any body have any details of BSIV norms. I found this on SIAM website.
- 1991 - Idle CO Limits for Gasoline Vehicles and Free Acceleration Smoke for Diesel Vehicles, Mass Emission Norms for Gasoline Vehicles.
- 1992 - Mass Emission Norms for Diesel Vehicles.
- 1996 - Revision of Mass Emission Norms for Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles, mandatory fitment of Catalytic Converter for Cars in Metros on Unleaded Gasoline.
- 1998 - Cold Start Norms Introduced .
- 2000 - India 2000 (Eq. to Euro I) Norms, Modified IDC (Indian Driving Cycle), Bharat Stage II Norms for Delhi.
- 2001 - Bharat Stage II (Eq. to Euro II) Norms for All Metros, Emission Norms for CNG & LPG Vehicles.
- 2003 - Bharat Stage II (Eq. to Euro II) Norms for 11 major cities.
- 2005 - From 1 April Bharat Stage III (Eq. to Euro III) Norms for 11 major cities.
- 2010 - Bharat Stage III Emission Norms for 4-wheelers for entire country whereas Bharat Stage - IV (Eq. to Euro IV) for 13 major cities. Bharat Stage IV also has norms on OBD (simalar to Euro III but diluted)
Any body have any details of BSIV norms. I found this on SIAM website.
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