Thread Starter
If any car maker in India is blasted left right and center is tata motors limited . But is it just a fact or fiction ? This thread is an attempt to cut the crap and differentiate between fact and fiction and who can do it better then tata car owners which are quite a few on our forum .
The point is simple members who have owned tata cars in past or having 1 currently can post their small mini testimonial here .
for example
1) car model and variant
2) date of purchase
3) Kms travelled
4) build quality
5) coustomer service experience ( good ,bad,worst or excellent)
6) a.s.s experience ( good,bad,worst, or excellent)
7) warranty issues
8) if the car has been vfm
9) issues and niggles faced so far
10) satisfaction levels (-/10)
The attempt here is genuine , most of the time if some one decides to buy a tata car he is advised most of the time not to buy one from some one who has never owned a single tata vehicle in his life .
This thread can be a live testimony to prospective car buyers to decide by themselves whether to go for tata cars are not by reading testimonials from real tata car users rather then market perception and hearsay .
Please - members who dont own a tata vehicle are allowed to ask questions, clear doubts and other queries but must not write a testimony since they are not eligible to write one since they don't own one.
The purpose of this thread is to create awareness, share information and get true factual experiences from tata car owners about owning one . Please refrain from making this thread a battle field by getting into brand wars .
So tata car owners common bring it on your Honest ,unbaised and true testimonial here will help other interested car buyers.![Smile [:)] [:)]](
The point is simple members who have owned tata cars in past or having 1 currently can post their small mini testimonial here .
for example
1) car model and variant
2) date of purchase
3) Kms travelled
4) build quality
5) coustomer service experience ( good ,bad,worst or excellent)
6) a.s.s experience ( good,bad,worst, or excellent)
7) warranty issues
8) if the car has been vfm
9) issues and niggles faced so far
10) satisfaction levels (-/10)
The attempt here is genuine , most of the time if some one decides to buy a tata car he is advised most of the time not to buy one from some one who has never owned a single tata vehicle in his life .
This thread can be a live testimony to prospective car buyers to decide by themselves whether to go for tata cars are not by reading testimonials from real tata car users rather then market perception and hearsay .
Please - members who dont own a tata vehicle are allowed to ask questions, clear doubts and other queries but must not write a testimony since they are not eligible to write one since they don't own one.
The purpose of this thread is to create awareness, share information and get true factual experiences from tata car owners about owning one . Please refrain from making this thread a battle field by getting into brand wars .
So tata car owners common bring it on your Honest ,unbaised and true testimonial here will help other interested car buyers.
![Smile [:)] [:)]](
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