January 2013 Sales Figures of Cars in India

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Thread Starter #1


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
January is the month when Indian car sales figures witness a quick surge after a dull December. Call it New Year’s charm or just increasing awareness of customers to purchase a fresh model, Jan 2013 was no different. Let’s look at the following sales charts to find out how well 2013 has kick started for the major car makers in India.

Top 10 Sellers in January 2013

Maruti continues to lead the pack with Alto zooming ahead. It's not often when a bigger hatch overtakes its smaller sibling in sales as in case with Hyundai.

Chevrolet India January 2013 Sales Figures

Newly launched Sail twins, which have replaced the Aveo & U-VA, are proving out to be quite beneficial for General Motors India.

Fiat India January 2013 Sales Figures

Fiat India continues to show its downward trend on Month-on-Month and Year-on-Year basis, despite of their intermittent efforts.

Ford India January 2013 Sales Figures

It’s an open secret that New Fiesta is earning no bread and butter for Ford. Upcoming Ecosport could change the fortunes though if priced right.

Honda India January 2013 Sales Figures

Honda maintains a strong position in the market, as usual. The culprit of Jazz’s dwindling sales could be the dealers insisting buyers to opt for City instead.

Hyundai India January 2013 Sales Figures

Yet again Hyundai has hit the jackpot and this time with Elantra which managed to find 488 new homes in Jan 2013.

Mahindra & Mahindra January 2013 Sales Figures

Rexton, a car from an unfamiliar brand called ‘SsangYong’ has observed an astonishing sales growth of 132% under Mahindra's umbrella.

Maruti Suzuki January 2013 Sales Figures

The sub-four meter length gimmick has worked well for Maruti Suzuki. Dzire has successfully found its way to the top three on sales charts.

Hindustan Motors & Mitsubishi India January 2013 Sales Figures

HM-Mitsubishi’s performance remains consistent throughout the year from bottom. Their oldest and newest product are the only saving grace at this moment.

Nissan India January 2013 Sales Figures

Evalia has not exactly struck a chord for Nissan. Nor the X-Trail which has hit the rock bottom.

Renault India January 2013 Sales Figures

Renault India is surprisingly one of those few manufacturers which have reported reduced sales on Month-on-Month basis in Jan 2013.

Skoda India January 2013 Sales Figures

Sales of Skoda are gradually going downside. While Yeti is serving as their ‘niche’ car, the big seller, Rapid has diminished sales figures too.

Tata Motors January 2013 Sales Figures

Not the best month for Tata considering YoY basis. The sales of Nano are falling again. On the flip side, Safari’s sales have picked up. Storme effect. Eh?

Toyota India January 2013 Sales Figures

2013 has begun sweet for Fortuner with sales numbers as high as 1,505 units. Although Etios twins are experiencing tough time struggling through competition.

Volkswagen India January 2013 Sales Figures

New Year has been an overall decent start for Volkswagen. Their flagship model, Polo’s sales have doubled up whilst Vento is still selling at an average 2K units.

Drive Safe,
Nov 19, 2011
Sydney / Mumbai
That's really nice initiation and compilation Vibhor. Great work and good effort man. I always did miss such thread in TAI. Now we have one. [clap]
Sep 22, 2009
Excellent report Vibhor. The most surprising figure is of the Rexton which has done a lot better than what i expected. Further as you pointed out, the trend of sales in case of Hyundai motors is definitely surprising. The i20 is selling much more than the entry level hatch Santro and Eon[surprise].

A 5 star rating to this thread.
Feb 2, 2012
That's a really nice compilation of sales report.

Great work Vibhor and thanks for putting it altogether.

Seems like Aria picked up some sales as compared to Dec sales. And good to see Storme gaining more customers as well.
Apr 11, 2012
For Maruti,Alto has been like the bread n butter. No manufacturer can even dream about those kind of sales. Not only that, sustaining it year after year,hats off to them.

Tatas need to hire a few quality people in their marketing department if they wish to make a come back. Dissmal performance.

Volkswagen too looks on the downside. IMO I feel Polo is one classy machine. Not sure what VW can do to increase those #s

With the recent change in some laws over diesel price de-regulation, the saddest of all these manufacturers has to Honda. First ever diesel from their stable hasn't even hit the roads and it already faces a huge challenge.

No surprise on the lesser known Kizashi. Maruti was giving huge discounts couple of months ago
Looks like the discount is over (or may be the old stocks arevover). Hence a big FAT ZERO against its name.
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Dec 8, 2010

I really appreciate for a nice thread giving lot of information, but at the same time it is really confusing too for a general visitor or buyer to understand the sales trend an reasons for the same. There is lot of complicity in the sales figures when we compare them for last year and also between two consecutive months. It is not a easy job to draw a conclusion just like that and it needs a thorough sales and market understanding and the customer mood too. So I really do not attempt to make a conclusion though having a sales & marketing background, it needs lot of effort to understand these figures from more and more angles[:)]

It can be best referred as a quick guide to see which one is selling how, that's it and not why it is so, because each manufacturer and each segment of vehicle needs to be studied well to do that
Jan 21, 2012
thanks 350z for your efforts.

this is wonderfully done and each company and their portfolio being covered.

looking at the current trend , it is safe to say that Tata is banking a lot on the success of the storme and it is showing in the numbers.

the numbers of aria could be the result of dealer inventory clearance sale offered by discounts( year old models clearance).

sumo gold+grande showing no signs of improvement, its time to forgo that design and introduce something better aerodynamic.

bolero numbers are amazing for what they offer, and the number could be partly for the fact that bolero is an official ride of the police force and other govt agencies.

evalia with its old van like shape (rear, front looks much better) wont find any decent numbers and it would be upto AL to do justice by pricing it in the versa territory or be used by airport cabbies or ATM cashvans.

chevy is to be blamed for low numbers of cruze.
had it been priced around 12 lakhs or so , people would have flocked to it.
that said the low average numbers for a diesel is a no goer for some.

to scorpio, in wake of "better" vehicles like the duster or storme , it still maintains the average sales of 4k +. even when some feeling it being dated
credit is to be given where its is due.

verito: the old shape still has a lot of things going away from it.

the sail sedan might kill the prospective verito buyers too i suspect.

just a technical query.

how easy or difficult it is to gather all that info from all manufacturers?
Thread Starter #12


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Great thread Vibhor. Hope we will see such comparisons in future.
Sure thing. It was a much awaited thread in our forum. So that’s how we decided to start the New Year but hey, this is only the beginning. :smile:

It can be best referred as a quick guide to see which one is selling how, that's it and not why it is so...
Precisely the purpose of this thread as the title itself explains.

how easy or difficult it is to gather all that info from all manufacturers?
Definitely not as simple as it looks. Collecting the individual figures was a team effort and I appreciate fellow moderators for their valuable contribution.

Drive Safe,
Aug 2, 2011
Excellent preparation vaibhor. [clap]
Tata should think something different now.Day by day even after good discounts tata sales is going dawn.
Lets hope storme will touch 3k mark in next month.[glasses]

Look at mahindra they are really 'Rising'
Last edited:
Dec 1, 2011
Definitely not as simple as it looks. Collecting the figures was a team effort and I appreciate fellow moderators for their valuable contribution.

Drive Safe,
+ 1 350Z

And to add we will also appreciate our members sharing information/leads/contacts around this and as well as access to test cars for reviews, we are a friendly forum and please feel feel to reach us for any further improvement suggestions, if you have relatives/friends in the automotive industry please help us establish better connects (we dont need inside information) but could do with better connects and faster access to test drive vehicles - we are getting better slowly but any help from any of our members would be most appreciated, feel free to pm us )[:)]
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Sep 11, 2011
Land of The Tiger
First of all congratulations to TAI support team.Slowly but surely we are gaining more and more mainstream popularity and it's very much showing: this thread is the prime example.Now finally all the car makers have started to share their monthy breakdown of no.s with us.Feels proud to be part of such wonderful,mild,young and buoyant forum.[clap][clap]

Now coming back to the topic,here is what I feel about the January sales figures:


Maruti is enjoying the top spot,because of the Swift/Dezire sisters.Even though I don't like the looks of the new Alto,market seemed to have embraced it with both arms,warmly.And what to say about the champion Wagon R,despite being a petrol car it still rocks the sales chart.Ertiga dominating the entry level people mover segment without much muster.

And I really don't see anyone challenging Maruti's domination in the near future.


Despite being a better looking car with upmarket interiors Eon just can't shake the entry level hatch king Alto.8000 units when your competetion is doing around 30K no.s is surely disappointing.

i10's sales also have fallen,perhaps people have started to wait for new gen i10 based upon Kia Picanto.

i20's figures are very impressive indeed.Despite being the most expensive hatch it continues to do well.

I think now it's time that HML shuts stop Santro's production rather than flogging the dead horse.


Continues to dominate the UV segment with aplomb.Also nice to see people choosing Rexton over Overpriced Fortuner.500 units is really impressive.

Scorpio continues to sell well,as if nothing can shake off the mighty Scorpio.

XUV5OO sales even though great are not that great as we expected.With the news floating around that Mahindra has increased production output @ 5000 units,still they can't sell that much(despite being exported to multiple countries outside of India).Is it because of the perceived unreliability of XUV?


Aah,my poor li'l(big??) Tata.What to say more than this[frustration].

Better launch Nano diesel ASAP.TML are you listening?

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