Membership Ranks & Promotions Explained

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Thread Starter #1


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Members are promoted to new ranks based on amount of their contribution in the community. Normal rank titles are named after the popular V-configuration engines. New ranks are automatically awarded upon achieving certain post count and offers access to additional forum features as listed below. Please note that we’re serious about the quality of content in this community. Therefore, don't post simply for the sake of increasing post count. Since automated promotion counter runs once in a while, it might take some time for the new rank to reflect on your profile.

  • Criteria: 0 – 09 Posts
  • Forum Features:
    • Can create posts, topics and polls
    • Can edit own posts within 30 mins
    • Can view member list and profiles
    • Can edit own profile and add avatar
    • Can view and like profile posts but can’t add own
    • Can receive private conversations but can’t send
    • Can comment, rate, like Garage albums but can’t add own
    • Note that first post of V2 members has to be approved by a moderator before it publicly appears
  • Criteria: 10 – 99 Posts
  • Forum Features:
    • Full benefits of V2 rank
    • Can send private conversations
    • Can add, edit and delete own profile posts
    • Can upload, edit and delete Garage albums
    • Can add tags / notes to Garage media items
    • Can utilize upto 25MB for adding Garage albums
    • Can include maximum two conversation recipients
    • Can add 200 character signatures in 2-lines with basic formatting
  • Criteria: 100 – 499 Posts
  • Forum Features:
    • Full benefits of V4 rank
    • Can move own media items in Garage albums
    • Can utilize upto 100MB for adding Garage albums
    • Can include maximum five conversation recipients
  • Criteria: 500 – 999 Posts
  • Forum Features:
    • Full benefits of V6 rank
    • Can upload attachments in conversations
  • Criteria: 1000 – 4999 Posts
  • Forum Features:
    • Full benefits of V8 rank
    • Can bypass floodcheck
    • Can bypass spamcheck
    • Can change privacy settings of own Garage albums
  • Criteria: 5000 Posts + Minimum 1 Year Membership
  • Forum Features:
    • Full benefits of V10 rank
    • Can add upto 3 links in signatures
    • Can add note & tag to any media items
    • Can utilize upto 150MB for adding Garage albums
Thread Starter #2


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Honored Member
This title is exclusively awarded to handpicked members who’ve a proven long-term track record of high-quality contribution. Some of the factors taken into account include:
  • An active and a long-term member.
  • Shares very helpful content and is courteous across the forum.
  • Always adheres to forum protocol and cooperates with moderators.
  • Has no recent or long-term record of the infringement of forum rules.
  • Set as a right example in the forum and respected by fellow members.
Honored Members also receive special privileges apart from full benefits of V12 rank. Please refer to this link for more: Honored Membership Title Explained.

Moderators are friendly official team members of the community. They've various responsibilities, some of which include:
  • Moderating the forum discussions as per protocol.
  • Helping out the forum members whenever required.
  • Managing content (covering events, official reviews etc).
  • Planning and acting on ideas for the betterment of community.
  • Making sure overall environment remains inline with TAI’s core values.

Core Team
You’ll see this title on profiles of the senior team members of The Automotive India.
  • Members of Core Team include Administrator & Super-Moderators.
  • They are responsible for overall welfare of the community apart from moderator's duties.
  • The Core Team is always accessible. Please drop a private message for help or if you think any issue needs their attention.
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